
University of Michigan - School of Information

Major: Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Selected Courses:

  • SI650 - Information Retrieval
  • SI618 - Data Manipulation & Analysis
  • SI664 - Database Application Design
  • SI564 - SQL and Databases
  • SI539 - Web Design
  • SI504 - Servers, Shell and Git

Shanghai Jiaotong University - Joint Institute

Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Minor: Computer Science

GPA: 3.83/4.00

Selected Courses (All A or A+):

  • ECE4720J - Methods and Tools for Big Data
  • VE492 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • VE445 - Introduction to Machine Learning
  • STAT4060J - Computational Methods for Statistics and Data Science
  • ECE2810J - Data Structure and Algorithms
  • ECE4010J - Probablistic Methods in Engineering